Tamalaki Education Centre ligt 40 km van de hoofdstad Nairobi. In deze hoofdstad wonen ongeveer 3.363.000 inwoners. Hier is de officiële taal Engels, maar er wordt ook Kiswahili en Kikuyu gesproken.
Verder is de gemiddelde jaartemperatuur is 19 graden, tijdens de koudste maand juli is de temperatuur gemiddeld 16,8 graden en in de warmste maand maart is de gemiddelde temperatuur 20,5 graden.
Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, de luchthaven van Nairbi, is de grootste luchthaven van Oost Afrika.
Bouw van Woningen docenten in Olchore Onyore in 2016
Blijf betrokken bij de voortgang van het project in Olchore Onyore
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Lees meerReport by partner organisation TAK
Construction of TEC teachers houses
The construction
All the meals were prepared in the Kitchen of Tamalaki by 2 cooks, as per the menu prepared by Annemiek and Trizah (school manager). The visitors enjoyed the meals and appreciated a lot.
The meals were both Dutch and African. The meals included rice, beans, ugali, fresh bread, meat, Irish potatoes, spagetti, sodas (Coca Cola, Fanta, etc), chapati, local vegetables and fruits and lots of drinks. Water was purified by the WS team with their own equipment. The meals were served in the dining hall adjacent to the dormitory.
Social Interaction and Spiritual Growth
The Dutch people were taught the basic words in Maasai language. They also had a chance to spend a night with the neighbouring community and interact with them. They also learnt how to dance like the Maasai community through evening story telling time. The TEC team believed they had good interaction and learned some of the cultural aspects of the area. As the community is wide spread and people going to the market during the day there was not too much interaction but the home visists really helped as well as the walks in the area.
Co-operation with the WSN project staff.
The WSN team was very coordinated, dedicated, prayerful and hardworking from the first day at work. They were involved in all steps of the construction from mixing of sand, planning and construction of the walls, fetching water and general monitoring of the construction process. They were supported very closely by the Tamalaki staff and the stakeholders from Tak head office. Sometimes materials seemed to be coming too late but always arrived on time. TAK does not stock many materials because of theft of materials. Hence it took some time sometimes to have materials on site but did not delay the process.
Involvement of the stakeholders
The community members were supposed to come during the period and in particular the chairman of the Parent Teacher Association (a known community member) was supposed to come as well as the chief. Unfortunately they got engaged elsewhere with community issues. The chairman came during the period of construction to see the progress and the community also showed up bit by bit. There was not much involvement. The local construction team that was working alongside with the WS team, some were from the area. At the last day of their stay, the stakeholders, community members and staff of Tamalaki was very grateful by holding a joint meal and thanksgiving for the progress of the project
Lessons learned
Volounteer work
It was a great learning curve to have a large team for many days being hosted by TAK and this will help us in the future with having more groups and being more smooth in planning of events and food.
Josphat Ngaira Musumba (CEO)Lees meer
PO BOX 648
00502 Karen
De lokale wegen in Kenia zijn vrij slecht. Daardoor is het niet handig als leraren ver weg van hun werkplek wonen. Als een leraar heel lang moet reizen neemt dit veel tijd, om te voorkomen dat al die tijd verloren gaat is er voor huisvestiging gezorgd.
- De leraren hebben geen goede eigen woning, met genoeg sanitaire voorzieningen.
- De leraren wonen allemaal bij elkaar en hebben weinig privacy
- Een eigen woning voor de leraren met hun eigen sanitaire voorzieningen
- Leraren onderdak geven zodat ze dichtbij de school wonen en het toegankelijker is om naar hun werk plek te gaan