Even een update uit Brazilië
Project update van 31 augustus 2021 door Linda Augustinus-Lourier en Daniel van Eijk
Nog steeds heeft het dagelijks leven in Brazilië behoorlijk te leiden onder de Covid-19 uitbraak. Toch stijgt de vaccinatiegraad en daalt het aantal besmettingen langzaam maar zeker. Tijd om van coördinator Daniel van Eijk te horen hoe de stand van zaken nu is.
Things are getting better day by day, locally, but also in Brazil.
We still have about 800 people dying every day (but that is less than what we had), and we have already 58% of the population vaccinated with the fist dose, and 26% with the second dose (or single dose). Things are slowly starting to get back to normal, and we are expecting a face-to-face return from the children in the projects from September 20th. Perhaps, at first, the most needed ones first, and then to assist the others as the restrictions are lessened. We must follow government guidelines in this regard. Starting in October (certainly from mid-October) we will start building again - keeping that idea of involving the community as much as possible.
We will send you pictures and videos once we are able to start all activities again!