Report from local coordinator Orquidea Chicaiza

De partner vertelt... van 15 september 2016

The focus of this project was to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life and the economy for the small producers of cacao through the strengthening of the solidarity value of the cacao producers group.

The main actions for the implementation of this proposal was through focusing on the following aspects:

  • Cooperation with  the group of volunteers of World Servants through human and financial support. Cooperation with team of MCCH
  • Cooperation with representatives and members of the Association La Compuerta
  • Construction of dry roof for cacao production.
  • Construction of a warehouse for storing the cacao.

This project is part of the cacao production chain by:
  • Strengthening of the processing of cacao,
  • Strengthening of their organizations through influence on  the processes of development of the territory and networking of the cacao producers around the southern coast of the Ecuador.

The construction 
The construction work was led by the technical director Luis Caranqui. 
31 volunteers and 30 members of the Association of the producers, worked for 20 days in the construction of:
  • A tendal for cacao production.
  • A warehouse for storage of the cacao.

The coordination of the WS team was led by Jairo and agricultural tecnician Gonzales, of Maquita Guayas province team. There were also 2 translators and the constant presence of the leaders of the association of la Compuerta.

The WS tripleader Erika had a dynamic and good communication with the group which ensured a successful progress of the activities.

Lessons learned
Clear mechanisms to strengthen teamwork. Recognition of the great effort made by the group considering the distance Holland - Ecuador and  their cultural background