Stephen Abarika bezoekt school en schrijft het volgende

Projectupdate van 25 mei 2017 door Stephen Abarika

Kast met lesboekenKlalokalen vooraanzichtLeerlingen in de klasWatertank bij de schoolZijaanzicht van de schoolLeerlingen in de klas

“Here in rural northern Ghana, it's difficult to have adequate classrooms!”

Many parts of rural northern Ghana lack adequate classrooms and other physical infrastructure to enhance teaching and learning. This has, and continues to affect delivery of good access and quality basic education in these communities with the most affected being the girl-child.

Your contribution afforded these underserved communities to be provided new and modern classrooms for improved access and quality basic education. Enrollment is progressively increasing while teachers are to a large extent attracted by the injection of new and modern classrooms.

Excitement among children - when the school system improves
Both the teacher and pupils are happy. The provision of a new classroom and tables now make teaching and learning more child and teacher friendly. A conducive learning environment is created. The class teacher is seen moving more freely promoting good contact with pupils during teaching hours. A complete positive change  has occurred here. Thanks to all those who contributed towards this live transforming project.

Teaching and learning materials (tlms)  more secured
Schools in rural communities find it challenging in storing TLMs. These teaching and learning materials can be difficult to come by, and must be well secured so learners can have access to the learning materials for their studies.

Through your financial assistance, AG Care, World Servants and other key stakeholders were able to assist schools deprived community school northern Ghana with cupboards to help in securing existing schools teaching and learning materials. This move has indeed helped in the promotion of access and quality basic education 

Water promotes good living 
Good quality water constitutes an important part of school administration throughout the world. Access to good quality water is therefore considered as crucial to the proper running of any school especially at the basic level. It enhances and promotes healthy living among school children doing school contact hours. For example most sanitation challenges within school system are solved if water is available and at the required quantity. Unfortunately, the story is different in most basic schools in rural communities in northern Ghana. The schools lack these essentials services putting the lives of school children at risk. The girl-child who suffer the most, have to go long distances to collect water for use in the school. At times they miss classes in the process.  The rain water havesting tank constructed through your funds continue to provide water for school children and teachers on a more sustainable manner now.

Their new toilet facility is being put to good use. 
The era where pupils use to visit the bush to go to toilet during school hours is all over. This new toilet facility is serving the good interest of children and teaching staff as well. The girl-child and female teachers and find their schools gender friendly. This type of toilet facility has a girl changing room inbuilt into it to cater for the unique needs of student girls and their female teachers.
Schools girls no longer have to stay home during their menstruation  period. They can change themselves using the changing rooms and get back to the classrooms to continue with their lessons with their male counterparts.