Feedback Stephen op belang van de komst van de groep
Project update van 5 juni 2019 door Stephen Abarika
Na het project deelde coordinator Stephen Abarika van AG Care een aantal observaties nadat hij met de meiden had gesproken.
Stephen observed: "it was like motherly and fatherly care for the girls. The support and the encouragement from the participants was really magnificent for them. And having both men and woman in the team doing several tasks (for example not only doing the life skills program, but also children program) was good: it gave more balance to the team and it also was helpful for the girls."
Stephen interviewed some girls and shared what they mentioned as the benefits of this project:
- “we felt as we were all treated as their own children”
- “they didn't feel as they were white and we were black: we were one”.
- “It felt like as we were in the family house all together.”
- they girls didn't refer on the work done for them (renovation work on the classrooms/library/training centre). All their observations on the impact/benefits shared was about the quality time spent with them. That really was important for the girls.
- The girls shared they will work hard. To become like them. For example: the encouragement for a girl was that they now really believe they can do it (getting out of their situation/learning a job and becoming self supporting). And this for Stephen/AG Care was helpful so he could reinforce what the team has said, by saying to the girls "the sky is the limit." This is an added value for the program the girls are going through at lifeline: a big added value.