De schooldirecteur vertelt

Storytelling bezoek van 13 april 2017

HA116 - MarotSetup - MarotHA116 - MarotDirector of school in MarotHA116 - MarotHA116 - Marot

"Before the new classroom block was build, the facilities and therefore the quality of education in Marot, was very poor. Pupils were educated in the church or in a hangar. The pupils could not concentrate well enough. The consequence was a decrease in numbers of pupils: more and more parents decided to send their children to other schools like the schools in Marot, Gonaïves and Port-de-Paix. This resulted also in a decrease of schoolincome which lead to another problem: the school couldn't  pay the teachers anymore. Now the block of three class rooms has been build, the quality of the facilities is much better: there is no need for parents to send their children to other places anymore." 

Mr. Enistal
Teacher and director of the school