Hoe kijkt onze partner terug op het project?
De partner vertelt... van 6 november 2018 door Mussa Nyirenda
Na elk project vragen we onze partner hoe het project is gegaan en welke lessen de partner heeft geleerd. Je vindt hier het bijbehorende rapport.
1.1. The original plan of the project
Yes there was no change to the original plan and the project was executed according to the original plan
1.2. Implementation of the project
The project was implemented according to the desired plan. All stakeholders were actively involved from the community and also the participants were actively involved.
2.1. Buildings worked on
A school block with 2 classrooms and head teachers office in the middle, 2 toilets with 2 doors each and Girls changing room were constructed
2.2. Tasks to be done
Finishing works on plastering, flooring, pointing, skirting, painting and working on the drains.
3.1. Children Program
It went on very well and the children had a lot of fun with the participants. The challenge is that the activities take place during the time when schools are holiday so punctuality is always a problem. The teachers and the participants enjoyed the interactions and the Dutch way of playing games with the kids including bible stories and songs.
3.2. Cultural and touristic outings
The cultural activities went on very well. It was a tight schedule but everything went on well except once when the translators and the participants did not understand each other well. However in general everything went on just fine. On touristic outings the visit to the lake was a success and the participants were very happy with the lake and they had quite a good time. The only challenge is the distance to the lake which is very far from the projects. We are still exploring better ways of handling the problem despite that other participants feel it’s also an adventure to travel a long distance and see a lot of other places in Malawi.
3.3. Life Skills
The life skills programme went on well despite that the school is a Junior school and the learners are below the age for life skills. However the older girls from the community were identified and they took part in the life skills programme
4.1. Leadership team World Servants
There was very good cooperation. There was also a lot of planning together and executing the tasks together.
4.2. Local leaders / key persons
The local leaders were also available all the time and there was good cooperation between them and the group. They also took part in the different arrangements which were planned in the communities such as home visits.
4.3. Community
The community was actively involved in project. They interacted very well with the participants. Also working side by side brought a lot of connection.
4.4. Beneficiaries
Cooperation was very good and they enjoyed the interaction that existed throughout the project.
4.5. (Local) authorities
Were fully involved and led their inhabitants very well thereby rendering the project a success.
5.1. Accommodation
At the project site the accommodation was good and even at the lake it was good as well. At the catholic centre as usual the accommodation was equally good.
5.2. Food
Food was good considering that there were no complaints from the team regarding the food provided.
5.3. Transportation
All the activities related to transport were executed both at the construction site as well as outside the construction site. However the bus had a minor fault and at one point we opted to hire other cars.
5.4. Safety
Safety was well adhered to throughout the project period. There was only one incident where the scaffold was not well done and one local sustained a minor injury.
- good cooperation amongst all parties involved in the project is key to a successful project.
- good planning prior to the arrival of the group helps to ease pressure on the execution of the project.