Bouwmaterialen gearriveerd in Chamkoko
Project update van 6 mei 2021 door Mussa Nyirenda
Projectcoördinator Mussa doet verslag vanuit Chamkoko. De bouwmaterialen met uitzondering van het cement zijn inmiddels geleverd. Mussa legt uit hoe de planning voor de bouw er nu uit ziet:
"Construction materials have already been delivered to Chamkoko School and there was a lot of excitement when the materials arrived. The community will start with the mobilization of the materials such as bricks and sand by 15th May 2021 to give room for harvesting of their crops. The members are of the view that it will take only 2 months to complete the construction of the two teachers houses and toilet. They also gave an assurance that the teachers houses will be of good quality and that they will attract teachers to teach at the school and also motivate the teachers who are already teaching at the school."