Jullie slaapplekken zijn bijna klaar

Project update van 30 juni 2022 door Mussa Nyirenda

De gemeenschap van Chankhomi werkt hard om jullie slaapplaatsen geschikt te maken. De al bestaande lerarenwoningen en klaslokalen worden flink gerenoveerd. Een win-win omdat de school hierdoor ook na jullie vertrek betere woningen en klaslokalen heeft. Ook kreeg de gemeenschap les over het belang van bomen rondom de school. Projectcoördinator Mussa vertelt ....

Projectcoördinator Mussa: "Chankhomi school has been busy with the preparations for hosting the group. So far, the accommodation places for the participants have been roofed and plastered. Currently what is remaining is flooring and putting breeze blocks in the windows. The foundation for the classrooms to be constructed by the team together with the community has already been done. The community is already excited to welcome the group and are anxiously looking forward to host the participants. The community is very positive that together with the participants they will come up with a good school block and that they will have fun with the team but also that they will be able to interact and learn from each other a lot. "

Voor het project hebben we ook fondsen gekregen om 1000-1200 bomen te planten bij de school. Tijdens jullie project gaan jullie hier al een begin mee maken. Om ervoor te zorgen dat de bomen goed worden verzorgt is door een forest officer van de overheid training gegeven aan de gemeenschap. Mussa legt uit:"The tree planting exercise is one of the projects that will be done during the implementation of the chankhomi project. This exercise will involve planting of fruit trees and normal trees in response to the environmental degradation that has been happening which has led to climate change. During the project implementation the participants together with the community will be expected to plant fifty fruit trees which will be taken care by the learners. The mobilization of the community on the tree planting project has already been done. The Forest officer responsible for the area advised the community to take tree planting seriously and that each community member should plant some trees at his home. He emphasized that climate change is real and that it continues to impact negatively on the environment. The project coordinator also informed the members the source of funding for the tree planting exercise and its importance. He also asked the traditional leaders to take a leading role in mobilizing their subjects to take care of the trees when they are planted. Some of the trees to be planted are bananas, avocado pears, oranges, guavas, mangos, acacia and cinderella."