Chitunda denkt na over de toekomst

Project update van 12 mei 2023 door Mussa Nyirenda

School Management Committee and Partent Teacher AssociationPlenary sessionBoys social groupTraditional leaders and parentsConsolidation of CIPTeachersGirls social groupTaking notesGirls social group

Op 28 april was projectcoördinator Mussa in Chitunda om met de gemeenschap in gesprek te gaan over hoe het dorp zich verder kan ontwikkelen en wat de inwoners van Chitunda hier zelf in kunnen doen, een Community Improvement Plan met onze partner CCAP dat. Mussa doet hierover verslag...

The school improvement plan process took place on Friday 28th April, 2023 with the help of facilitators from Mzimba District Education Network. Seven social groups were involved namely: Boys, Girls, Men, Women, Traditional Leaders, SMC/ PTA/ Mother groups and Teachers. The purpose of splitting the groups was to create an atmosphere where the participants are free to share their views on the challenges affecting quality of education but also affecting the community.

The challenges were grouped into software and hardware issues.
Some of the hardware issues raised were as follows:
•    Lack of school blocks
•    Lack of teachers houses
•    Lack of good roads and Bridges
•    Lack of a clinic
•    Borehole needs maintenance
•    Lack of toilets
•    Lack of GCR
•    Lack of staff room

Software issues include
•    Understaffing
•    Early marriages
•    Lack of parental interest in education
•    Poor learner performance
•    Some teachers being not committed to duty
•    Parents sending children to do domestic work during school time.
•    Hunger
•    Poverty
•    Orphanhood
•    Lack of teaching and learning materials
•    Lack of sporting equipment.
•    Lack of role models in the community.
•    Poor cooperation between all stakeholders at school level.

The community committed themselves to take part in addressing the software issues by having engagement meetings with concerned parties so that they can amicably resolve the issues. They also agreed to take part in molding pressed bricks, ferrying sand and drawing water to the construction site as one way of taking part in the development of their community. All the issues above were measured using a score card to ascertain the intensity of the problem and also a social contract was drawn to help the community realize their responsibility.