Mooie ontwikkelingen in Chankhazi

Project update van 19 september 2024 door Mussa Nyirenda

Nu de groep terug in Nederland is wordt er in Malawi nog hard gewerkt aan het afronden van de twee lerarenwoningen. Projectcoördinator Mussa doet verslag. De overheid heeft alvast nieuwe leraren aan de school toegewezen. Zo hebben de woningen nu al impact.

"Chankhazi project was the first project to be implemented this year. The community together with the participants worked tirelessly to make the project a success. When the group was arriving, the foundation was already in place and by the time the group was leaving the roof was already on top of the two teachers houses. So far the community has managed to work on both buildings including the toilets and one of the teachers houses is almost ready to be occupied. The community has made a commitment to complete both houses by next week so that teachers can occupy them. The school has been reallocated 4 auxiliary teachers. This is important because the teachers houses will increase accommodation space for the teachers."