Endhlaleni bereidt zich voor op de bouw
Project update van 6 mei 2021 door Mussa Nyirenda
Projectcoördinator Mussa is op bezoek geweest in Endhlaleni en doet verslag van de voorbereidingen voor de bouw.
Projectcoördinator Mussa: "The community is geared for the start of the project and looks set to commence construction soon as evidenced by the bricks around the school block but also the sand which has already been ferried to the construction site. The construction materials have also been delivered and what remains now is for the supplier to deliver cement to the project site. Thereafter the community will commence bricklaying with the help of our local contractors who will also be available on site. The community is very optimistic that the construction will be done in a good way and that they will come up with quality structures. The traditional leaders with the help of School Management Committees will mobilize their subjects so that they work hard side by side on the construction site."