Het bouwen in Chigumba gaat door!
Project update van 12 november 2021 door Mussa Nyirenda
Chigumba heeft extra fondsen ontvangen waardoor, naast de dit jaar gebouwde klaslokalen, ook de huidige lerarenwoningen kunnen worden gerenoveerd. Projectcoördinator Mussa vertelt wat voor effect dit gaat hebben in Chigumba.
"The CCAP Education Department with funding from World Servants will be renovating two teachers houses at Chigumba school. The teachers houses are in dilapidated state and are not conducive for teacher accommodation. The support provided is a good gesture to the community and it has brought a lot of excitement to the teachers and the community. There were some teachers who were staying far from the school but with the renovations it means more teachers will stay at the school campus. One house which has been earmarked for renovation is vacant because the teachers have been abandoning it due to its dilapidated state. When the renovations are done they will contribute to quality education through good teacher accommodation which will keep the teachers motivated since they stay in better houses."