Liziwazi krijgt een waterpomp

Project update van 30 juni 2022 door Mussa Nyirenda

Meeting in progressHead teacher for liziwazi rising to ask a questionSchool Management giving a comment on borehole mobilizationCommunity members Liziwazi attending a meeting

Afgelopen week is de gemeenschap van o.a. Liziwazi geïnformeerd over de komst van een waterpomp bij de school. Binnenkort zal de waterpomp worden gegraven en geïnstalleerd. Heel fijn alvast voor jullie project, zo hoeven jullie al te ver om water te halen. Projectcoördinator Mussa vertelt waarom de waterpomp zo welkom is...

"With funding from World Servants, the CCAP Education Dept is going to drill and install boreholes at Liziwazi and Lusutuzi schools. These schools have been identified as one of the schools amongst many other schools with acute water problems. The teachers and learners walk a long distance to draw water. Water challenges impact negatively on the performance of the learners because it is a big necessity for the survival of everyone. When there is no water, it means that teachers spend more time fetching for water and less time on teaching the learners hence compromising on quality of education. The mobilization of the communities on boreholes has been done and what remains is training of the committees and then geophysical survey before the actual drilling of the boreholes is done. The communities received the news with a lot of thankfulness because this is a great relief to the communities. They also pledged to take good care of the borehole once installed."