‘Hoe kijkt coördinator Ezekiel Rukema terug op het project?’
De partner vertelt... van 26 november 2019 door Ezekiel Rukema
Elk jaar vragen we onze partner hoe het project is gegaan en welke lessen de partner heeft geleerd.
Context and summary
Describe the original plan/idea for the project. Has the project been executed as planned?
Nyamagana is one of the areas where AEE established Self Help Groups and where people involved in Self Help Groups identified the problems they are faced with among which were not having enough and appropriate space to have their small kids educated. Following their raising of the issue, the idea of having ECD Centre at EP Nyamaganawas supported by the Local Government in collaboration with the Primary school authorities who then shared it to the AEE Rusizi in request for relevant support. After the receiving the proposed ECD project, AEE shared it with Help a Child (HaC) and World Servants (WS) representatives during one of their visits to Rwanda. Luckily, Help a Child agreed to financially support that project through WS initiatives and in accordance to the original plan to have ECD built with provision of 3 classrooms, teacher’s office, kitchen and toilets by 2019. So, prior this year’s WS visit to engage in ECD construction, the field team managed to have more work execute in collaboration with local masons and labors organized to start the activities of building ECD foundation and laying one brick layer as the starting point for WS team. By the time WS left the site, the building was at the finishing level as planned in the roadmap.
Give a (short) general description of the implementation of the project.
The project of Nyamagana ECD Construction was well prepared and organized to facilitatethe implementation. The site was thoroughly and earlier cleared, construction materials purchased, gathered and timely delivered at site, construction team and supervision team put in place, task division done among the AEE staff and local community. The WS team in charge of construction work collaboration and community participation contributed to the success of the project. Generally, everything went well as planned.
How do you look back on the following topics? How was it arranged, what went well, what could be done better?
Buildings worked on
The Nyamagana ECD building construction project by world servants started on 22nd July 2019 after its the launch by World Servant team leader, AEE CASE Project Manager and Executive Secretary of Nyakarenzo Sector. All the corners were setup and the first bricks already laid. The project was done in cooperation with the entire local teams and the local masons. On site rules and regulation for safety and security purposes were set and on site supervision established ahead before we started working with world servant. A schedule was also made and that guided the team on site. As agreed upon, actual building started from 8:00 am; had break tea at 10:00 am; took lunch break for 1 hour at 12:00 and then continued from 2:00pm till 5:00 PM. By the time the WS team left the site on 8th August, the construction activities had reached at finishing level (3 classrooms + office for ECD, kitchen and 2 kitchen gardens). On the 15th September The ECD was equipped with chairs, shelves, cupboard, tables. Other required materials were provided by the end of September 2019.
Tasks to be done
The production of the work done by the participants from different teams involved in construction at every stage of the building from first brick laying to roof level and fininshing was timely and efficiently done.
Below are the main activities done by the participants as shown in the table:
All the participants contributed in bricks’ laying from the first course to the lintel level since the activities concerning that work included brick laying, brick carrying and mortar fixing were smoothly done. The result was mainly the efficiency in terms time and cost besides construction work. Just in two weeks only, the work reached at the lintel level. Above the lintel, not allthe participants could not get involved in the bricks laying since the scaffold was already too high level to reach. So, they had to keep doing other activities such as constructing them kitchen with the support of local masons.
At that point, the sight was quite interesting that all the participants engaged in mixing mortar and concrete, which was a very big contribution in terms of financial cost and time. They did the work that in usual circumstance could be done by additional local helpers that would be paid. That helped insaving money and also completing the work in a short period of time.
The participants were much interested in contributing their effort and time throughout the work. They engaged in fixing steels in columns and lintel. With the help of one local steel fixer, participants acquired those necessary skills and also accelerated the work that had to timely be done.
During formwork making, the WS team was organized to have helped from the local masons. Their contribution was recognized because of the efficiency in time and cost compared to what to could be done by local masons only. After formwork, they also engaged in casting the concrete for columns and lintels, which in fact was very hard work but their committed involvement was high and much energy rendered into the project.
In making scaffolding, the WS construction leaders, AEE staff and site agent were so carefully in making sure that safety of the workers was highly taken into consideration. In ensuring that, we had to make local masons putlog scaffolding fixed internally and externally alongside the wall. The guard rails were also setup to ensure comfort and enabling workers. At that stage, we had to set a slogan stated “1,2,3”for safety was a priority.
During the execution of the project, we also had two opportunities of two public works (Umuganda). One general public work was attended by above at least 500 people including community neighboring school and district officials,army and police, sector and cell leaders, AEE and local journalists. The main objective of that Umuganda was to render their support in lifting stones for the pavement for the classroom construction and preparing kitchen gardens. At the end of Umuganda, a meeting was held and the Leadersutilized that opportunity to share needed information with the people, cultural exchange between the Netherlands and Rwandans.The topic discussed on health was about EBOLA prevention by the Vice Mayor and a long-term insurance Saving Scheme (EJo Heza) program by Mayor of the District.
Another public work was of 43youth volunteers from the university of Rwanda who turned up to work and interact with the WS. The main activities done included carrying stones and laying them, finalizing kitchen garden constructions. After Umuganda, they shared lunch andcultural information from both sides and life experiences.
In general, all the objectives for the project were achieved in just three weeks by all the teams involved because at the time of the WS departure from the ECD site, the building was at the finishing level; already the roof,doors and windowswere all in place.
Children program
During the ECD construction project, children program was planned 9 times with at least 100 children per day
- AEE Staff in charge was in touch with Ronieke who too was in charge of Children Program for better planning;
- Children met 10 times instead of 9 and engaged in many activities including bible stories telling, art drawing, singing and playing together with WS youth;
- There was direct support to the children who had minor accident during games and plays.
- The team was well prepared too.
- Children enjoyed singing, playing, making drawings related with bible stories and games
Cultural and touristic outings
During Nyamagana ECD project construction period, the World Servants (WS) team conducted visits to at least 6 main different places that included:
Visiting Hot Spring water(AMASHYUZA) of Nyakabuye sector as facilitated by Theophile NSENGIYUMVA and Sylvain BAKUNDUKIZE. Both one Coastal bus and AEE Vehicle were used to move from Nyamagana- Nyakabuye. The team enjoyed hot water and hot climate of Bugarama.
Visiting KIVU Lake: The WS team visited KIVU Lake and enjoyed the fresh air at EMEURODE Lodge where the hotel facilitated them to move in the lake with a boat to tour different locations within the lake.
Visiting SHAGASHA Tea Factory: It was a very good moment for some of the WS Team members to know how tea is planted, harvested, transported and processed up to consumption stage. The visit was facilitated by Rusizi Field Coordinator (Alfred), and also 6 WS representatives who were received by the Factory Tea Maker with warm welcoming remarks. Staff at tea factory guided and explained the tea production process, the moving and showing visitors around starting at the reception to the cupping stage. By the end of the tour, the visitors had a chance to buy finished tea for their consumption.
Visiting coffee plantation and coffee factory: A team of 13 dutch youngsters visited TUMWAMINI Jean Paul’s coffee plantation and Coffee washing station. They received explaination on the process of coffee production –right from field up to the factory level. They too were informed about the income sharing between coffee producer and community neighboring the industry;
Visiting Giheke milk processing plant: A team of 2 persons visited Giheke milk processing plant and received explaination in summary of the process of milk production,treatment up to packaging and selling levels;
Visiting Gihundwe Hospital: A team of 13 persons visited Gihundwe District Hospital for learning purposes. They were welcomed by the Hospital officialswho shared with them a presentation covering the hospital situation,common deseases and different interventions. They too visited different service providers and interacted with them on the number people received and treated as well.
Visiting previously constructed project of Nyarushishi ECD by the WS: A team of 2 persons were facilitated to visit the previously constructed project of Nyarushishi ECD constructed in 2018. They observed the school infrastructure,interracted with kids and appreciated the achieved results.
Visiting CANOPY in Nyungwe National Park: That was a very fantastic tour as people managed to visit the high level of Nyungwe tourism space “CANOPY TRAIL” where they enjoyed the good and fresh air in the forest and temperate climate;
3.3 Visiting Genocide Memorial centre at Kigali for Rwanda History learning and CAPRAKI gifts market for souvenir shoping
Life Skills program and Football for Water
The life skills topic was discussed upon after the UMUGANDA of the 43 University students that joined the Dutch team (WS) to work together at ECD construction where they focusedspecifically on:
- University life information exchange;
- Importance of community work to community and entire country development.
During youth SHG visit at Rusambu, they also managed to share with youth the following:
- Importance of working together; and
- AIDS prevention skills through the poem message.
Cooperation and involvement
Leadership team World Servants
World Servants team was well organized in such a way that every aspect of the members’ need was catered for through their leadership. Each leader in the World Servants team was much aware of their roles and responsibilities and that was expressed clearly in every leader’s explaination about them and their expectations.
AEE team supervision had an opportunity to sit together with them every day to discuss on what went well and what needed to be improved. With a decentralized leadership, every information was exchanged well and processed immediately, hence resulted into easier facilitation of the ECD construction and carrying out other site activities.
Local leaders / key persons
Local leaders right from the District to the grassroot levels were so supportive and that contributed to the well-being and security at the ECD construction site and to better coordination of construction activities. With the local leaders’facilitation, AEE Rusizi had good access to construction materials such as tree pools, stones, sand and license to transport construction materials. Both District and Sector staff were involved in the event of welcoming WS guests and official launch of the activities. The District mayor himself together with the vice-mayor actively engaged in different events like umuganda, cultural events, and closing events. Generally, the local leaders’ contributionto the security and safety on the site wasso beneficial.
The community neighborhood of Ecole Primaire Nyamagana was very welcoming and participatoryin the effective running of the program. Their turn up to welcomingWS visitors on the arrival daywas in big number and their dancing to show hospitality made it so colorful. Nyamagana population also participated a lot in the cultural interaction with the Netherlands team through traditional dancing, showing Rwandan traditional dressing, lifestyle, home items/ materials to mention but a few. They also participated inUmuganda- communal work to give their hand towards the school construction. Through Umuganda work, the community members carried sand, stones, bricks and other building materials closer to the ECD construction site.
Parents in the community showed eagerness and willingness to send their children to the afternoon children program each day. Their homes too were open to welcome World Servants team members in their families for their learning about he people’slifestyle in their respective villages. Each of the guests that visited any of homes was shown around all the rooms of the house, and ask whatever question about the way they live.
World Servants team was also received by one of the community Pentecost Church of Nyakarenzo Parish (ADPR) and also particpated in a crusade organized by AEE Rusizi in collaboration with the church for evangelism purpose. They were involved in singing songs together with different church, sharing tesmonies and preaching in collaboration with ADPR where more than 1200 people turned up to attend the event.
The direct beneficiaries of the school construction will be the children expected to be enrolled in the ECD Nyamagana classes constructed. Many of them were among those that happily welcomed the WS youngsters who came to build those classes.They tootook a photo with the visitors at Nyamagana primary school where World Servants team were hosted in the class rooms. The ICYEREKEZO Community Level Association (CLA) of Nyamagana represented parents and the local community. They too mobilized people during the Umuganda communal work,participated in ECD construction, cooperated in the coordination of the local builders and labors, putting up the kitchen garden for the ECD, making terracing and levelling the ground around the constructed classes and also expressed good ownership to the management of the infrastructures.
(Local) authorities
The local authorities have played a big role towards the smooth running of the program. We planned together, communication with them was direct and enhanced effective implementation on daily basis (see more detailed info in 4.2 above).
Facilitation of the team
For accommodation ofthe WS Team, we used Ecole Primaire school infrastructure that included 4 rooms occupied whereby 2 wereused by the local and support staff.
Each day, the site accomodated 47 people in total (team: 36, coordinator and staff 3, casual work, 7, and driver 1).
The site was safe and secure for everyone. Being summer period, there was no rain and the weather was cool. The political-administrative institutions were informed about the activities ahead of time. Besides, there was sufficient water. 2 full tanks of at least 10,000 liters each and othersof 5000 liters to ensure cleanliness and hygiene was available. Electricity service was fully accessed with enough bulb light in all the rooms, and other 5 of high quality outside. We also had water sterilization systemand that availed clean drinking water purified and accessed by all participants, and also a vehicle permanent on site incase of emergence and displacement especially for the visitors.
Each person residing at the site had a mattress,a mosquito net and a cover for the bed. Besides, 2 casual employees were in charge of hygiene and a hand washing soap placed at each entrace to the dining room. Most often,cleaning was done outside and inside the rooms as recommended. One day per week was scheduled for the washing of ladies’ clothes and another for the gentmen’s.Every day at 6:00 am, WS team leader ensured that the entire team woke upby his vocal voice to have especially the WS organized themselves in small groups at 7:00 am for their interaction and sharing of previous day’s experiences and planning for that day; had breakfast at 8:00 am and then setoff to the construction work until 12:00 am noon with one break at 10:00 AM for 30 minutes.
Every afternoon, some of the group members proceeded with planned outings, children program and cultural exchange depending on the schedule. The day’s activities concluded at about 5pm for them to setoff for personal care and supper arranged at 7pm.
AEE organizing team ensured availability of sufficient local foods for everyone. For atleast, 80% and above of it waspreferred by the WS team members. Mostly, it was composed ofbody building foods such as meat, peas, beans, small and big fish; Energy giving like potatoes chips, rice, bananas, bread, cakes and cassava; and Protective food such as different types of vegetables and fruits. Most members reported it as being delicious. Among the types of food prepared, much of it wasmore prefered than others. The unprefered and unfamiliar type to some of the team members included cassava and yam.
Despite its simplicity in preparation and having bought from the local market, the World Servants’ team highly recognized the food and considered it as of high quality and standard compared to their expectation prior their arrival at the site. Most of the foods was produced locally and culturally prepared in the usual Rwandans cared for guests.
During the World Servants’ (WS) stay at ECD site, AEE hired permanent car was used any time as required. Secondly,in case of an organized outside travel for a big team, AEE pick up and also a hired bus depending on the size of the teamwere used for transportation.
While preparing to receive the WS team members and hostingthem, the concerned local teams including AEE, local Administration, Hospital and security staff held meetings and identified a good place, secured environment, cleaned and fenced the Ecole Primaire premises, setup hygien kits andavailed water tanks, installed more electricity, cooking place, toilets and bathrooms prepared as well as aranged provision of health care services whenever required. That joint effort rendered good results in terms of safety and security. Each night, 7-night guards movedaround throughout the residential area and then 5 day- guardseach day. No harm or risk incident were reported nor shared at any time. However, simple problem that occured such as thorn hurting to an individual’s skin were resolved as soon as possible. Itswas also good to note that whenever outings were arranged, the security team voluntarily organized to accompany WS team for safety purposes.
Lessons learned
As a result of Help a Child facilitated stake holders planning meetings increased the level of ownership of Rusizi districts leaders
Joint plan of AEE team and WS group leaders in almost everything conducted on the site and in the outside events was found very productive and effective in the implementation of the activities.
Involvement ahead of time to the community people of Nyamagana was so effective especially in the way they received WS team and showed willingness to work, cooperate and interact with them to learn from each other; We learnt that timely communication is a key factor in the successful implementation of the project.
Rwandan security institution and leaders are so supportive and collaborative towards the execution of the project thus significantly contributing to the transforming of the marginalied people’s lives and especially children’s welfare.