Officiele opening van de klaslokalen!
Project update van 1 oktober 2021 door Pascal Habimpano
In aanwezigheid van verschillende officiële vertegenwoordigers is de school geopend. Nog een paar weken en dan gaan de kinderen ook echt naar school.
Coördinator Pascal schrijft: "Early Childhood Development centre (ECD) Karangiro construction was completed by August 2021. The inauguration ceremony took place on August 16th. This is when the project was handed over to the District and the locals for use. Enrollment of children is ongoing and full functioning is expected by mid-October 2021. The District and the locals were excited to receive this project and committed to properly manage it for the benefit of their children. This is a huge relief for many children in Karangiro who have been at risk of stunting, malnutrition, and abuse. It is also a relief for their mothers who will be able to do their daily jobs knowing that children stay in the safe hands. "