Make the difference

Project update van 16 april 2022 door Pieter Bakker

Community meetingConstruction siteAccommodationWater supply OmooChurch - centre of community

The key pillars of a successful project is a motivated and united community - this is what you see in the Omoo village...

AEE has identified through their community work a very good project location where only a church building exists. The community is remote and the nearest primary school is hard to access by foot for many children. All kind of gatherings and school classes are therefore held in the church which has of course its limitations. An Early Child Development (ECD ) is therefore a great way to bring the opportunity for children to learn from a young age. They will be able to learn English and it is proven that it is less likely that children drop out of primary or secondary school when they start at a young age.

The ECD will make a difference, so it is a great opportunity to work on and see the impact first hand yourself. What a project in a beautiful remote African landscape.