Good cooperation with the team
De partner vertelt... van 29 november 2016
1. Introduction on the project
Sunday 10th July 2016 the team arrived in Zambia at 14:35hrs. We spent first night in Lusaka at Kaliyangile guest house. Monday 11th July 2016 we travelled from Lusaka to Lundazi-Mtelwe which is the site.
We had welcoming ceremonies. There was also an open ground breaking ceremony on Tuesday 12th July to grace the work.
2. Operational level
The construction
The target was to construct 2 houses 2 toilets for the teachers, 3 toilets at school for girls, boys and staff (teachers) and to help on the renovation of 1x3CRB. Most of the work of 2 houses were completed when the team was still there, also 2 toilets at school. Rehabilitation of 1x3CRB was almost done before the team, this was in the agreement. The team left all the toilets were dug but 3 were not constructed. At the project site there was coordination between the Dutch participants and local community workers. The supply of local building materials was on everyday basis which sometimes is not good because it give panic. The mission was accomplished. Victor and Eliab coordinated very well at the project site.
Facilitation of the team
Accomodation was okay, Food was okay, childrens program was great. Cultural program and outings; it was super all participants liked visiting farmers, visiting local market and cycling bicycles. Helping local women with cooking, house visits, the visit to the veterinary camp and the clinic was so nice.
There was car on site all the time, transport to and from Lusaka was convenient. We had no challenges with CCAP bus to the park.
Safety / Field Security Plan
Most of activities avoided risks, such as going higher than 3meters on the scaffolds, moving at night, check food and making sure that water was safe. Transport was also available in case of emergency.
Cooperation with the WSN project staff.
There was good communication between the staff members of the Dutch team and local leadership. This must be encouraged always.
Involvement of the stakeholders
Different villages participated in the day to day works during the stay of the team and after the team
Staff members were good there was good delegation of works
Children and some teachers were also engaged in the childrens work
The local authorities
We made an arrangement to meet the chief but when time came to visit him its like he was not well informed so the team didnt meet the chief, but all local headmen participated in the works and they did appreciate so much.
We had joint church service on two Sundays though the first Sunday local people were very much reserved could not open up. But the second Sunday there was good interaction during the singing and dances in church. On the womens day afternoon it was great. On sporting activities there was a local tornerment of football games which did not give enough time to the team to play with local team. Only few times we played with local team but on daily games we played with children it was also good even then.
Financial report
The project will be completed without facing major financial difficulties
4. Development of the project
This project was given time enough to prepare and the provision of information both for the participants and local people was appropriate, only few expectations were not met.
5. Lessons learned
Good communication between team members
The team was prepared for the project even on extra activities they showed commitment.