In need of extra staff members in clinic

Evaluatie bezoek van 9 maart 2017 door Jan-Paul Apon en Elise de Jong

Kliniek - maart 2017

We spoke to the community health worker who was in the clinic when we came by. He told us that the staff consists of himself, one Community Health Assistant (CHA) and some volunteers. The medical staff member that ran the clinic until a few weeks ago, has left as a result of a conflict with one of the locals. This local managed to stir up a lot of agitation within the community, causing the man not feeling safe anymore. Different things, including mediation by the District Commissioner (DC), has been used to try to settle the matter, but without success. As a result the docter left, leaving the clinic with a shortage of staffing.

On average 50-60 people visit the clinic every day. The catchment area of the clinic inhabits 3583 people. Most of the patients come in with malaria. The amount of deliveries is around ten per month.

Current status of the building 
Since approximately 2008 the building has been in use. The building is in fairly good condition and is used for its original purpose. Electricity is a problem. The government has sent solar panels, but they did not provide the workmanship to install them. Resulting in fact the panels are currently stored in the clinic. At the moment there is only one light bulb left that is functioning.

Additional need
There is a need for more staff.