Welcome at Makopa - preparation visit by Michael
Project update van 10 maart 2022 door Jan-Paul Apon
Due to unforeseen circumstances, coordinator Michael Tembo did the visit to Makopa by himself. Luckily, the community was very ready!
Michael visited the community and received with a very warm welcome: the community had organized tranditional dances and many people came out to join in the meeting. Michael explained the reason why the set-up team was not able to attend and talked with the community about the plans for the summer. Based on the experience Michael has with working with the communities, he explained them to prepare the construction site in a good way with the contractor and he emphazised the importance of the participation of the people during the project. The plans for the children-, cultural, and other programs were also discussed so the community will be ready to meet the team this coming summer. The community is very ready to work with the team and are looking forward to it.