Narrative Report by MCC

De partner vertelt... van 12 september 2016 door Michael Tembo

1. Summary
The teams arrived in Zambia safely and no luggage was lost or delayed. The groups were cleared at the airport in time. We travelled to Miloso without problems and soon the groups were settled.  We are very pleased with the way both groups worked on the projects. The target of getting the roof on each building was achieved to the delight of the teams and of course us.

2. Introduction of the project
We went through the drawings and explained to the leaders our expectations and showed them how much had been done before they arrived. We planned the works that needed to be done for the week and broke this down to daily assignments. The groups were enthusiastic and looked forward to working with our team. Our contractor on the ground was good with the team leaders and and they cooperated well.

3. Operational aspects
Following on what works had already been done by our team, the world servants teams joined in and worked hard together with them. We had a few volunteers who helped with the work  fetching cement, sand and water and helping with the mixing. The atmosphere at the building site was good and jovial.

Both groups were welcomed and given all the help they needed. They could communicate with the office and families back home without problems. There was always a vehicle and driver on site for use for any eventualities.

There were beds and mattresses ready for use by both groups. Thanks to the second group for facilitating the purchase of the same. They had all the comfort they needed sleeping-wise.

This is a very important aspect of any group that comes out and we ensured that the food was of hotel standard even in the bush. There were no complaints about food from either group. They were amused at how chickens are slaughtered and they enjoyed the food. Water from the bore-hole was further filtered and so they had safe drinking water as well.

Childrens program
For group one, this program went very well as for the second group we had several funerals in the area and so it was difficult to organize the children on the actual day as planned and so we had to postpone to the following day.

They had a good feel of life-skills and from our side this went well.

Cultural and touristic outings
The first group was not able to sleep out in the villagers homes because of their small and young children. Both groups were able to visit the market in Mkushi, Noahs ark at Rockridge farm, Banana farm at Welkom and had some camp-fires.   We were able to arrange for the second group transport to take them to Livingstone -Victoria Falls from Lusaka. For the second group the only challenge we had was the many funerals that our people were attending and this affected some visitations negatively. They were, however, able to sleep in our peoples homes and some helped the local people with some field-work. They were able to visit Chengelo where they had dinner and attended FUSION, a youth Church service organized by Chengelo School. Before dinner they had a swim in Chengelos swimming pool. As usual the group was asked to sing a song in Dutch at that service.

There was a bus hired and a small vehicle to help with transportation of participants. We had a challenge with our local transport, we had a breakdown on some days but we were able to fix these they programs were normalized.

Both groups were very safe at Miloso and when we visited markets etc. they were escorted. A few wild fired may have scared some but on the whole they were safe.

4. Involvement of other stakeholders:
The communitys involvement
was very encouraging. Many came to give help to the teams. A few has been (will be) appreciated for the hard work shown during and after our visitors have gone.
The government officials
at branch level came several times to check on progress being made. The chiefs representative was very encouraging to both the visiting teams and the local people. When the groups were here they failed to come because of the elections that we were holding as a nation, especially on the hand-over days. Mr. J Ngulube was at hand to read the speeches on behalf of the District Commissioner.

The teachers
of Miloso School did not show much interest in what was happening.
The community leaders
were very supportive.
The students (especially girls) were very happy to enter their incomplete dorms some were even booking space in advance. They sang some songs to show appreciation to our visitors. Some students were handy to move some bricks to the building site and this was appreciated.

As Mkushi Christian Community (local Churches) we are very happy that once again, the Wolrd Servants have been available to render such support towards Miloso Secondary School. We admit that without their continued help we would not have achieved for Miloso as we have done. Thank you once again and we hope that together we shall do a lot more for Miloso Secondary School in the coming years.

Mkushi Christian Community leaders have once again been very supportive. On both handover days they were available to render support. We value this so much.    

5. Development of the project
These two projects mark numbers 4 and 5 at Miloso Secondary School and we still are a long way to go but we appreciate what has been achieved so far. The construction of the two hostels will release classrooms where the girls were being accommodated to be used as classrooms.