‘Hoe kijkt coördinator Michael Tembo terug op het project?’

De partner vertelt... van 8 december 2022 door Michael Tembo

Elk jaar vragen we onze partner hoe het project is gegaan en welke lessen de partner heeft geleerd.

Context and summary

Describe the original plan/idea for the project. Has the project been executed as planned?
Plan was to constructied a health center, which has more facilities than a health center. The executing of the project went well eventhough that due the Covid pandemic no participants could join. The constuction took therefore longer to finish, but the community worked hard together to do so

Give a (short) general description of the implementation of the project.

Construction process was very good, local builders did a good job. It could have been difficult to work without the team because the building has many rooms which need a lot of time. But still they managed to do it well        

How do you look back on the following topics? How was it arranged, what went well, what could be done better?


Buildings worked on
A health center including wiring and latrines

Tasks to be done



Children program

Cultural and touristic outings

Life Skills program and Football for Water (also include the amount of tranings given and the number of people from the community actively involved in training).


Cooperation and involvement

Leadership team World Servants

Local leaders / key persons

The involvement of the community was good. 


(Local) authorities

Facilitation of the team








Lessons learned
- Even without participants the community can still do the work. Together we have learned to take full responsibility if we are to see progress and development. 
- Always just need good and committed leadership to develop.
- Always there will be misunderstanding but discussing and explain things prove to unite people.      
- And also clear communication between World servants office, MCC and the community prove to help giving people better understanding.                      - Community and MCC are happy that can be trusted with big amount of finances.