Local youth work voluntarily on the finishing of the project

Standaard Set-up bezoek van 8 november 2016 door Henri Plas

WatertankMuurschildering YFC logoAan het werk (kippenren)WaterbasinPrince and AlphaKippenren

The chicken run is not finished yet. There were some set-backs: Thulani , who is the technical man of YfC at Willow Park, became ill for quite a number of weeks. Besides that, the youth from the community that participated in the project, also had to go back to the community for a while and work at the land… They did not come back until last week.

Sheunesu had appointed a young person of YfC to look at the progress of the work, but for example ordering of nails did not work out well, so the progress is going slow. Sheunesu also couldnt follow-up on the project, since he had been travelling a lot (Kenya and South Africa). He hoped that the persons involved would be more pro-active and capable of doing the work. He is now looking for someone else to oversee and another person to do the work.

Since Thulani came back - last week of October, he and the local youth (Alpha and Prince, together with Absalom) started working on the fencing, placing the rest of the pillars and beams, as well as part of the roof. They will fix the rest of the roof hopefully before the rains come. This was very hopeful to see.

They will start next week (15 Nov) with the chicken project with using only a portion of the chicken run with about 200 chicken. So that by the time the team is here, the chicken can be sold and used in the kitchen. It will also be good just to start and see how it goes when involving the youth already. Read more in the interview with Alpha and Prince about the impact on the project.