Hoe kijkt onze partner terug op het project?
De partner vertelt... van 8 november 2018 door Sheunesu Masuka
Na elk project vragen we onze partner hoe het project is gegaan en welke lessen de partner heeft geleerd. Je vindt hier het bijbehorende rapport.
1.1. The original plan of the project
The original plan for this year’s project was to do work on the following:
- Pig pen
- Fish Pond which was still leaking
- Metal Work Workshop roof repair
- Classroom and woodwork workshop
- door, repair, plaster and paint
- Dormitory repairs, doors
- Drainage/Run off and electrical
- Natural fish pond to be constructed
- Electric fence around perimeter
Not all the jobs were done. There was a lot of work to do and participants were younger needing much help in skills and execution of work. Other complication was the earth moving equipment was moved from the location nearby to safety; this was needed for work on the natural fish pond. The contractor changed late in the preparations and so the new one did not have adequate preparation time and he used his discretion to determine jobs though he was not present when needed. Also the local technical leader was lacking
1.2. Implementation of the project
The metalwork workshop roof was repaired. Necessary plastering was done to the classroom block and dormitories. The contractor had other jobs committed to and was not present at times to oversee. He was asked to get someone there to be more permanent but then they considered public holidays and took that as a time to go away which hindered the work a bit. However, in general, the leaders were proactive in getting the electrical issues attended to, painting done and the fish tank waterproofed.
2.1. Buildings worked on
The construction was good though it got to a slow start. Not having a contractor at the onset of the project is a problem. It also is a challenge when he does not communicate challenges with the coordinator especially where there was a sudden change there. However, the roof on the metal work workshop was done, the classroom was plastered and painted beautifully. Even the chairs being fixed was an extra bonus. The sifting of river sand was done in a new style as the participants became creative, though that left some marks on classroom desks. Cement mixing, plastering walls and painting. Upon plastering, the idea of air vents came up as it became apparent there was no ventilation for the rooms. This was started but not completed as the walls intended for ventilation was not plastered by the end of the project. Getting the participants to all work and push was challenging. The Contractor and his assistances helped to try and push. Sometimes we had leadership issue which was mixed between youth and playfulness but the more mature helped the young. There were a few injuries which hindered work but the best was done considering some used health and injury as an excuse to not work. All in all the work went on and well. The tasks needed to be done were done after the contractor went through the process with participants. The plastering and painting came out well. The electric fittings and getting some of the required lights to work was achieved. The schedule of the work could have been more structured and people allocated according to strengths. Materials needed for the work should have been more detailed as some had to be bought in between jobs.
2.2. Tasks to be done
There was a list done and the local team leader walked through them with the Dutch technical leader. The tasks were done well to the best of the ability of the people. Some of the tasks done were not on the list and could have been left for later. There were too many tasks for the short time and were underestimated, The contractor can better advise on timeframe in the future. The work is still pending.
3.1. Children Program
The children's program always seems to have takers and goes well, although I Was only able to attend two. There was positive feedback and the children’s party I understand was a highlight and some of the children speechless with emotion because they had never experienced something so special. Having food for the children gives them hope and some that may be the only meal that day, no matter how small.
3.2. Cultural and touristic outings
The games, learning names and working together done at the first day and at Hillside dams was helpful in familiarising with each other. The Chipangali trip, a small animal sanctuary, gave a good insight in the wildlife of Zimbabwe. We had a lot of cultural things happening: a special evening prepared by the ZIM for the Dutch and the opposite were the Dutch entertained the ZIM and learned more about their cultural habits and country. Games and playing volleyball and soccer. This year the outing to the Vic Falls was exciting. We travelled with the night train from Bulawayo to the Falls and back. It took a time but we all got different views from our country. Most ZIM participants have never been on a train which is more common for the Dutch. Before the Dutch left Zimbabwe, they spent one night in Harare in the morning they visited the souvenir market to buy some nice items to take home.
3.3. Life Skills
The program was a huge success. It was good to see how Francis from the Zim team has matured in this. We had a good and fair number of children although the first day there was a poor turn out because of the mixture of dates and a change in the location. The team did a very good job in presenting the programme themed “The Voice of Truth”. We thank God for the opportunity to serve and Him making it possible
4.1. Leadership team World Servants
Well prepared, good communication and engaged. Good to work with and learn from them.
The Dutch Spiritual leader was Alie and Sarah the local leader who familiarised themselves with each other’s salvation story before looking at the responsibilities and how things would be. They worked well together and prepared good GMCs, worship, prayer times and helped people connect with God leading up to the last night where people shared what they were grateful for. First church service was in Bulawayo city and the next one was in Esigodini after the failed service at Sphezini where there was no communication that there was a service elsewhere. It was generally good.
4.2. Local leaders / key persons
Enthusiastic, engaged and motivating the participants though at times lacked maturity. Key persons tried to keep the momentum going and everything needed in place. Better working relationship than previous projects. Not so open to each other as a whole.
4.3. Community
The community cooperated well. Good turnout, considering the just ended elections and pending issues which affected movement. A keenness to have children attend programmes, besides disappointment where participants did not turn up for one day due to having evacuated site due to fire.
4.4. Beneficiaries
This would be better answered in multiple contexts but I believe there is still a long way to go. YFC is an indirect beneficiary and is all in, however the wider beneficiaries still do not get the full picture though they see the value and have limited participation
4.5. (Local) authorities
A good relationship has been struck with them and they tend to give the green light for the project to continue. In the case where police and the president’s office was being cautious because of the ‘climate’ at the time, the District Administrator who is the highest officer in the district reminded them on the second work day that as the local partner YFC had a standing Understanding and he cleared everything.
5.1. Accommodation
This was good and secure at the training centre. A little bit cold at first as there was a need for extra blankets. Living conditions generally good, not too comfortable and also not too uncomfortable lest the participants got disgruntled.
5.2. Food
This was great, healthy and sufficient to keep body and soul together. It was thoroughly cooked and well prepared as we have seen the kitchen staff mature over the years. Thank you to the cooks and the hospitality coordinator.
5.3. Transportation
This was adequate when needed and on time. At times there was few occasions for a licensed World Servants leader to drive which was not the norm. This was after the designated driver had to go back to work suddenly. The only time where there was a major issue was in the evacuation process when a fire broke out during the quiet time. There being a vehicle on site is a good thing. There is a need for a driver on site always. The fact that locals have limited drivers causes a challenge.
5.4. Safety
Safety is key. It has always been okay apart from two serious incidences. The demonstrations and deaths that occurred after elections in the capital city led to a decision to fly participants out of Harare to Bulawayo and this was arranged well to ensure the uttermost security. The safety rules and measures were laid out on the first work day and it turned out okay as long as people adhered to them. Having a medical leader was really good as incidents were dealt with immediately. Another major incident was veld fire in the vicinity that led to the evacuation of participants and sheltered at the centre in the city for safety. This however did not affect the work area and people went back the next day after it was assessed as safe.
Leadership, preparedness and adaptability. It is necessary to have several people competent in various areas and those put together, we can achieve the task even if things change or you hit a challenge. To be prepared for the unthinkable. To be decisive and act.