Renovation of teacher houses almost done
Project update van 16 mei 2019 door Mussa Nyirenda
Wild Geese initiative and other support bearing fruits at Ndatuwa school
Ndatuwa is one of the schools that benefitted from Wild Geese and other financial support. The funds were meant to help in the renovation of an extra teacher house so as to accommodate more teachers at the school. The teacher house is currently completed and the head teacher is occupying the house. The remaining work which needs to be done by the community is fixing windows on the teacher house. One teacher has been posted to the school after the project, and he is the one occupying the house that used to be occupied by the head teacher. With these and other extra funds we have also managed to upgrade the existing teacher houses which were also without skirting and good floor. The teachers are equally happy that at least their houses look better and are more comfortable than before.
There are some remaining works to do on the roofs of the houses. CCAP will come to aid to support these extra costs to make the roof more strong. This will be realised in the coming months.
On the photos you can see the 3 renovated teacher houses. The 3 teachers that are living there are the deputy head teacher, mr. Paul Mwale, and the new appointed teacher mr. Syriverio Nyirongo and the head teacher mrs. Emma Nyirenda. In an additional video (will be uploaded later), she shares how happy she is with this new house.